NEOID SYSTEMS S.L., CIF: B12744363 has been beneficiary of an aid granted by the IVACE and the European Regional Development Fund within the program assistance to the SME-CV 2017 internationalization plans. ANNOUNCEMENT: Resolution of 18 April 2017 of the President of the IVACE that is called the aid plans internationalization Award for the year 2017 (DOCV No. 8032, 04/05/201)

The total amount of eligible to justify costs has been €25.820 and the granted subsidy has been €6.196,80.

The project includes space rental services of international trade fairs outside of the Spanish State, services related to the implementation of the International Marketing Plan, creating services / adaptation of web and promotional material and expenses of Accommodation and travel to countries of promotion plan.

This grant is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) in a percentage of 50% through the ERDF operational programme of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.